Frequently Asked Questions
about your Visit to an Osteopath
Why is my first appointment Longer than standard?
Patients are allotted approximately 55 minutes for their first appointment and approximately 30 minutes for any follow up appointments. Allotted times are not fixed and your osteopath may spend more or less time for your appointment. Some of the time in the first appointment will be used to take a detailed medical history which is essential for your osteopath to treat you effectively and safely. Time spent on treatment is dependent of the complexity of the problem or how much can be achieved on each visit. Time is also required for providing exercises and advice.
How much does it cost?
Standard osteopathic treatment takes around 30 mins and costs £52 from April 2024.
Your first appointment takes around 55 mins and costs £64 from April 2024. This is subsidised by the Clinic.
How and when do I pay?
We ask for payment when you arrive at the Clinic for your appointment. You pay for each treatment on the day - there is no need to pay for a whole course of treatment in advance.
We take payment by debit and credit cards, by Android or Apple Pay, by cheque, in cash or online by bank transfer.
How many appointments will I need?
Your osteopath will assess you and outline an appropriate course of action on your first visit. If we ask you to return for a follow up appointment, your osteopath will explain the importance of doing so to achieve a particular outcome. You may need a number of appointments. Your osteopath will update you on each visit.
What should I wear?
Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Depending on the nature of your problem, you may be asked to lay on a horizontal treatment couch. Your clothes should allow you to do this. You will usually need to remove your coat. Please feel free to bring a towel or blanket for increased warmth and modesty, if you so wish.
I’m nervous
New experiences can make us anxious, and we do understand this. Please bring a friend or relation with you, if you feel this would help you. You can ask a receptionist to chaperone you, if you prefer.
I’ve got a cold - can I still come for my appointment?
If you have cold symptoms, please take a Covid test to rule out this highly infectious disease. We will be happy to reschedule your appointment if you have a positive test result.
You will get the most from your treatment if you are fully well. However, if you need to have your appointment when you have a cold or cough, please inform the receptionist in advance and be prepared to wear a mask, to protect your osteopath, the receptionist and other patients.
My usual osteopath isn’t available - what should I do?
Generally, it is a good idea to continue to see one osteopath for the entire course of treatment for a specific problem. If your usual osteopath is not available, and you need to be seen, we will try to fit you in with a different osteopath.
I’ve changed my mind and no longer want my appointment
It is fine to change your mind, however, please tell us at least 24 hours before the time of your appointment. This allows us to offer the appointment to another patient from our waiting list. If you do not arrive for your appointment and have not let us know with sufficient notice (24 hours), we may charge you a fee of £26.
How will I feel after treatment?
It is common to feel stiff and sore following treatment; this usually lasts around 48-72 hours. Most people describe their reaction as similar to the aching and pain felt after exercising. It is common also to feel tired after a treatment. If you have any concerns about your treatment, please call us.
What about exercise?
If your osteopath asks you to undertake some specific exercises, please try to do these regularly and follow the plan set by your osteopath. If your osteopath asked you not to exercise, there will be a reason for this which was explained to you, and you should wait until advised before resuming general exercise.
Always try to remain active if possible; this helps your recovery as well as maintaining your mobility.