Spotlight Series
We are very lucky to have a group of highly talented individuals working here at Warminster Osteopathic Clinic. We thought it was about time we shared a bit more about them with you. The person behind the professional.
We will be doing this with a “Spotlight” feature on each of them.
Spotlight on Helen Jales
The Interview
Our first spotlight falls on Helen, our talented and very active Sports Massage Therapist. We interviewed her recently to discover more about her and what she does.
How long have you been working here at WOC?
I started working at the WOC in October 2022.
Describe a typical day at WOC
There is no typical day, every day is varied which keeps life interesting!
What led you to study to be a sports massage therapist?
From a young age I’ve always had an interest in human anatomy, physiology and pathology, it’s fascinating learning what can help or hinder the body (and mind) from working optimally. Along with a desire to help others and a love of sport and being active, this career made sense for me.
I see that you offer hydrotherm massage. Why would this be beneficial to someone?
Hydrotherm is a system comprising two warm water-filled cushions placed on the couch. This supports the spine in a neutral alignment, providing a more comfortable position than the conventional lying face down on a massage couch. The warmth also aids in relaxing the muscles to maximise the benefits of the massage.
The client can lie on their back throughout the treatment, making it perfect for pregnancy massage.
Can I come and see you for general wellbeing if I like to keep fit or can I only come if I am injured?
I treat a wide range of people and conditions and apply different techniques as well as massage depending on their needs. I also offer just general massage for anyone who doesn’t have an injury or particular area of concern.
Sports Massage can help with injuries and with general wellbeing
If I have suffered with injuries in the past, can you help with realigning my posture?
Previous injuries are important to be aware of and often need to be addressed in helping to resolve the current issue the client is suffering with. I work mainly on the soft tissues but do minor manipulations, as well as advising rehabilitation exercises to enable everything ‘to do its job’ in order for the areas of pain to not be overused anymore.
Hands on work and deep massage help to desensitise muscles, acting on the nervous system through the receptors in the tendons/musculotendinous junctions, reducing pain. This retraining of the nervous system helps to restore the tendons’ and muscles’ ability to lengthen and tolerate load again. This also enables the skeleton to maintain the correct position, as the muscles are no longer ‘pulling’ the bones out of alignment.
Fun Facts
Now for some fun. We know all about work Helen but what about the Helen outside of work?
What would surprise us about you?
I love fast cars. I drove a Lamborghini Gallardo around Silverstone for my 30th birthday.
Guilty pleasure? We all have them ...
I love dark chocolate, the darker the better!
What would your advice be to your teenage self?
Be kind to yourself and have more self-belief.
Twitter or Facebook?
Tea or coffee?
Definitely tea.
If you think that you might benefit from a Sports Massage Therapy appointment, but would like to discuss it with Helen, please contact her directly on
07981 823146
How Much will it cost?
Standard appointment 60 mins £55
Shorter appointment 30 mins £35
Longer appointment 90 mins £75
New Patients usually require the longer appointment time.
When Can I Come?
Helen is available for appointments at the Clinic on Tuesdays.